Our Projects
UK Trust - Projects
‘Service to Man is Service to God.’ This dictum by Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the guiding principle for SSSCT UK when considering its involvement in various projects. Broadly, the service projects that the Trust undertakes are in alignment with the ‘Five Streams of Activity’ that Bhagawan Baba has enunciated, namely- Educare, Healthcare, Aquacare, Sociocare and Ecocare.
The five streams lend themselves very well to The Objects in our Trust Deed from its very inception in 1979, which are ‘advancement of education; relief of poverty and sickness.’ All projects are rendered free of cost to the beneficiaries in various countries, and with the voluntary contributions of various resources – such as time, skills, knowledge and funds- from generous donors who are inspired by the love and teachings of Bhagawan Baba.

‘Educare is Education with Refinement or Culture’, says Bhagawan Baba (SSS Speaks 34:20). Educare helps in the development of a good personality, broadmindedness and character as opposed to just the collection of facts and knowledge of the external world. The emphasis is on the cultivation of an educated and integrated personality based on good values, positive attitudes and humanness in students who are of benefit to the society.

Good health is essential for all beings and diseases affect all people irrespective of race, religion, socio-cultural or financial status. Thus, Bhagawan Baba has encouraged all to lead healthy lives, and has given directions to render comprehensive, state-of-the-art and free of cost services in the field of healthcare to those who need it. He has placed emphasis on a preventative healthcare system that raises awareness about holistic living.

"You are a part of society. Born in society, growing up in society, living in society, man ends his life in society. An individual can find fulfilment only in society. What is society? Society is your own reflection. The challenges that are present in society are the result of the challenges within the individuals who constitute it. Similarly, the ills in a society affect the individual. Therefore, do not distance yourself from society Keep yourself always engaged in the service of... "