‘Service to Man is Service to God.’ This dictum by Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the guiding principle for SSSCT UK when considering its involvement in various projects.
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What's New
Sri Sathya School Nepal – New Kitchen & Canteen
Facilities for a kitchen and 2 dining halls, each with an area of 1650 square feet, are being constructed…
Good health is essential for all beings and diseases affect all people irrespective of race, religion, socio-cultural or financial status. Thus, Bhagawan Baba has encouraged all to lead healthy lives, and has given directions to render comprehensive…
“You are a part of society. Born in society, growing up in society, living in society, man ends his life in society. An individual can find fulfilment only in society. What is society? Society is your own reflection. The challenges that are present in society are the result of the challenges…”
“There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one language, the language of the heart.”
Sri Sathya Sai
About Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Sri Sathya Sai Baba is revered by millions across the globe as a Divine incarnation and a Supreme Teacher whose life on earth was an example of pure, unconditional and universal love. His life and teachings, which reflect this love, have touched and transformed the hearts and minds of men and women from various walks of life, cultures, religions, and speaking different languages. Drawing inspiration from Him, many people have volunteered their time and resources to help and serve the needy in our societies: Free of cost and in a spirit of kinship.
Born on November 23rd 1926 in a remote village called Puttaparthi, in pre-independent India, Sathya, as he was known at the time, was a popular child in his household, school and village due to his many special attributes; especially…
Born on November 23rd 1926 in a remote village called Puttaparthi, in pre-independent India, Sathya, as he was known at the time, was a popular child in his household, school and village due to his many special attributes; especially…